DiagRIGHT® Group B Streptococcus EARLY Screening for Pregnant Women(IGB)

What is Group B Streptococcus (GBS) ?

• Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacteria which normally lives in the intestine, urinary and reproductive tracts of men and women
• It can be found in 10 – 30% of pregnant women’s vagina or rectum
• Most pregnant women who are colonised with GBS have no symptoms. Some of them may develop urinary tract infection caused by GBS
• It is not a sexually transmitted disease

Approximately 1 in every 100 – 200 pregnant women with GBS colonisation will give birth to a baby with GBS infection


What is Group B Streptococcus (GBS) ?

• Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacteria which normally lives in the intestine, urinary and reproductive tracts of men and women
• It can be found in 10 – 30% of pregnant women’s vagina or rectum
• Most pregnant women who are colonised with GBS have no symptoms. Some of them may develop urinary tract infection caused by GBS
• It is not a sexually transmitted disease


How does GBS infect the baby ?

• From mother to baby during labour
• From natural environment


Poses a serious threat to newborn

• Infection can be classified into early-onset (<1 week after delivery) or late-onset (>1 week to a few months after delivery)
• Early-onset GBS infection in newborn is life-threatening as it may result in sepsis, meningitis and pneumonia etc.
• In Hong Kong, the incidence rate of early-onset GBS infection is 1 in 1000 births

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