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Calibration Plasmas

00675 STA®-Unicalibrator
Calibration plasma for PT (%), fibrinogen, factor assays (II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII), AT, PC, PS, plasminogen, antiplasmin
6 vials of STA®-Unicalibrator 6 x 1 ml

00520 STA®-VWF:Ag Calibrator
Calibration plasma for assay of Von Willebrand factor by immuno-turbidimetric method
6 vials of STA®-VWF:Ag Calibrator 6 x 1 ml

Automated Reagents

00675 STA®-Unicalibrator
Calibration plasma for PT (%), fibrinogen, factor assays (II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII), AT, PC, PS, plasminogen, antiplasmin
6 vials of STA®-Unicalibrator 6 x 1 ml

00520 STA®-VWF:Ag Calibrator
Calibration plasma for assay of Von Willebrand factor by immuno-turbidimetric method
6 vials of STA®-VWF:Ag Calibrator 6 x 1 ml

00544 STA®-FM Calibrator
Calibration plasmas for assay of fibrin monomers by immuno-turbidimetric method
(STA®-Liatest® FM)
2 vials of STA®-FM Calibrator 1 2 vials of STA®-FM Calibrator 4
2 vials of STA®-FM Calibrator 2 2 vials of STA®-FM Calibrator 5
2 vials of STA®-FM Calibrator 3
2 x 5 x 1 ml

00655 STA®-FDP Calibrator
Calibration plasmas for assay of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products by immuno-turbidimetric method
(STA®-Liatest® FDP)
2 vials of STA®-FDP Calibrator 1 2 vials of STA®-FDP Calibrator 4
2 vials of STA®-FDP Calibrator 2 2 vials of STA®-FDP Calibrator 5
2 vials of STA®-FDP Calibrator 3
2 x 5 x 1 ml

00684 STA®-Hepanorm® H
Calibration plasmas for UFH assay using anti-Xa method
(STA®-Staclot® Heparin/Stachrom® Heparin)
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® H 0
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® H 3
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® H 6
4 x 3 x 1 ml

00681 STA®-Hepanorm® HBPM/LMWH
Calibration plasmas for LMWH assay using anti-Xa method
(STA®-Staclot® Heparin/Stachrom® Heparin)
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® HBPM/LMWH 0
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® HBPM/LMWH 4
4 vials of STA®-Hepanorm® HBPM/LMWH 9
4 x 3 x 1 ml

00348 STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator
Calibration plasmas for Heparins assay (UFH and LMWH) using anti-Xa method
(STA®-Liquid Anti-Xa)
4 vials of STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator 0
4 vials of STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator 4
4 vials of STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator 7
4 vials of STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator 10
4 vials of STA®-Multi Hep Calibrator 18
4 x 5 x 1 ml

Multipurpose reagents

00625 Unicalibrator
Calibration plasma for PT (%), fibrinogen, factor assays (II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII), AT (antigen) PC, PS (activity)
6 vials of Unicalibrator 6 x 1 ml

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